Breast lipofilling : Breast Lipostructure
for 2 800 € All inclusive
If you wish to naturally increase the size of your breasts, opt for breast lipofilling!
What is breast lipofilling?
Breast lipofilling or breast lipostructure (also known as breast augmentation by lipofilling) is a plastic surgical procedure, which enlarges and reconstructs the breasts by using the patient’s own fat as a permanent filler. The latter is harvested from natural fat deposits like the abdomen, the buttocks, the hips, etc. Thanks to this procedure, the patient may enjoy naturally bigger breasts, while at the same time slimming another part of their body.

What are the advantages of breast lipostructure?
This procedure uses the patient’s own tissue instead of an implant, so the risks of procedure failure are low. Fat is removed from an area where it is undesired.Many women report that their fat-graft-reconstructed breast has some sensation and feels soft, much like the other unreconstructed breast. The procedure leaves minor scaring.
How much does breast lipofilling cost?
The price for breast lipofilling, also known as breast lipostructure, at just 2,800 euros, is an all-inclusive offer that represents an attractive option for individuals seeking natural and subtle enhancements to their bust. This procedure involves the use of a patient's own fat to augment and reshape the breasts, providing a safe and minimally invasive alternative to traditional breast augmentation surgery. With the all-inclusive pricing, patients can enjoy peace of mind knowing that the cost covers the procedure, pre-operative assessments, post-operative care, and any associated fees, making breast lipofilling a cost-effective and convenient choice for those looking to enhance their natural beauty.
Breast lipofilling or breast implants?
Depending on the patient’s desired outcome and objectives, the surgeon will either recommend breast lipofilling or implant placement. Breast augmentation by lipofilling increase the size of breasts by one to two cups. If the patient desires a bigger breast augmentation, then breast implants will be considered. Breast implants consist of a cohesive silicone gel, and are available in different shapes and sizes. It is possible that the surgeon suggest combining the two procedures of breast lipofilling and breast implants to achieve optimal results.
What should be done before undergoing a breast lipofilling procedure?
During the preliminary consultation, the surgeon will examine the suitable donor site areas for fat harvesting, and determine its sufficiency for a liposuction. A medical check-up and a blood test are required. In case the patient desires a bigger breast augmentation, the surgeon may propose the different shapes and sizes available for a breast implant, and help the patient choose the most appropriate implant for their morphology.
How is Breast lipofilling Performed?
Lipofilling is performed under general anaesthesia, and is estimated to last between 60 minutes and 2 hours; depending on the volume of fat to be transferred. The fat is harvested through 5mm incisions placed within skin creases, such as the abdomen, or the lower buttock fold. Aspirated fat is then centrifuged for 1 to 3 minutes. The fat is homogenously injected through cannulas that measure only 1 to 2.5 mm in diameter. This leaves virtually no scarring at the recipient site.The surgeon concludes the procedure by suturing incisions and placing a bandage.
How does the recovery process for breast lipofilling work?
Breast lipofilling is not a particularly painful procedure. The surgeon will however prescribe the appropriate pain medication as the patient might experience discomfort in the days following surgery. Bruising and swelling are expected, but both will fade away after a few weeks.
A support bra must be worn during the first weeks following surgery. A recovery period of seven to ten days has to be taken. Physical activity can only be resumed after one month.
When will I notice the desired results following breast lipofilling surgery?
Satisfactory results will be visible two to three months after the surgery: the breasts are bigger, perkier and have a natural-looking appearance. This transformation not only enhances physical appearance but also boosts self-confidence and overall well-being, allowing individuals to enjoy a renewed sense of self-assurance and satisfaction with their body.
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